Sulfur Recovery Unit Analyzers

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a byproduct of processing natural gas and high-sulfur crude oil, exposures to H2S with a concentration greater than 500 ppmv can be fatal. This extremely dangerous byproduct must be closely monitored and the amount of H2S released to the atmosphere must be minimized that is why Sulfur Recovery Plant are used to convert (H2S) in an incoming gas stream into elemental sulfur.

We offer a range of analyzers based on Ultra-violet Visible Spectroscopy for high-quality analysis at various points in Sulfur Recovery Plants including:

  1. At Sour gas Inlet to control Amine injection into the absorber
  2. At sweet gas outlet to ensure efficient operation of amine treatment and measure H2S & CO2 in sweet gas to be below 5ppm and 4% respectively
  3. At Inlet of Lean and Rich Amine in stripper to measure H2S and control/verify stripping efficiency out of Amine.
  4. At Acid Gas outlet to control the main air flow to the burner. The analyzer is used to measure H2S, CO2 and Hydrocarbons
  5. Tail Gas/ Air Demand from Claus Process to control the trim air flow to the burner. This Analyzer is used to measure H2S, SO2, Cos & CS2
  6. At sulfur pit for safety purpose as H2S is explosive above 4%. This Analyzer is used to measure H2S & SO2
  7. At tail gas treatment, to monitor excess hydrogen after going through reduction, and verify sulfur mass balance. This analyzer is used to measure H2S and H2

Chlorine Industry and VCM production Analyzers

Chlor-alkali refers to the production of Chlorine (Cl2), sodium hydroxide/caustic soda (NaOH), and hydrogen gas (H2) from the electrolysis of saltwater. Both chlorine and hydrogen gases are used for a multitude of different operations in the chemical industry such as the production of VCM. Sodium hydroxide is ubiquitous in the chemical and oil/gas industries, with applications ranging from sulfur removal from low grade crude oil, to the production of food and soap.

We offer a range of analyzers based on Ultra-violet Visible Spectroscopy for high-quality analysis of each stage of the process:

  1. Measurement of Chlorine gas after electrolysis for impurities such as NCl3 due to side reaction of ammonium ions or organic nitrogen present in the original brine, The level of NCl3 is monitored to ensure the safety of the plant and personnel as an explosion may be caused due to it.
  2.  Analysis of Cooling Process Effluent from the cooling tower to monitor the efficiency of the cooling tower in removing unnecessary moisture from chlorine gas.
  3. Analysis of Drying Tower Effluent, the Cl2 is monitored at this location to confirm the proper function of the sulfuric acid drying tower. NCl3 is measured simultaneously to ensure that it does not exceed safe limits
  4. Analysis of residual chlorine stream which the liquefaction unit was not able to condense. The Cl2 measurement at this point provides an indicator of how effectively the liquefaction unit is working as well as how well the upstream reactor and purification steps are functioning.
  5. Treated gas after Chlorine scrubber at tail gas can be monitored for EPA reporting and confirming proper operation of NaOH scrubber. At the same point, the level of NaOH in the reactor is always monitored and ensured so that no Cl2 escapes to vent
  6. Monitoring of Direct Chlorination Vent Gas In the chemical industry, the produced Cl2 reacts with ethylene to form ethylene dichloride with further produces PVC, the ethylene concentration is monitored continuously to prevent waste of reactants
  7. Analysis of Direct Chlorinator effluents of Chlorine and catalyst (FeCl3) allows to control coke formation, loss of VCM product quality, degradation of oxychlorination catalyst, corrosion of stainless steel piping, unwanted reactions, reaction inefficiency, and downstream FeCl3 formation due to free chlorine.
  8. Like DC reactor, oxychlorination also converts ethylene and Chlorine to EDC using Oxygen, the concentration of ethylene, CO2, O2 and CO are all monitored at this stage to Indicate reaction efficiency and inhibit flammability
  9. The intermediate product before final stages is analyzed of the moisture as moisture can corrode the product and affect the quality.

Natural Gas Plant Analyzers

From wellhead to main, We provide trusted solutions for monitoring natural gas composition. Flagship products include multi-component odorant monitoring, hydrogen sulfide measurement, carbon dioxide measurement, BTEX analysis, and saybolt readings.

  1. The raw/ untreated gas from the wellhead is analyzed for the H2S content to control the efficiency of acid Gas removal
  2. The sweet gas after treatment is analyzed of the H2S and CO2 content to monitor the effectiveness of acid gas removal
  3. The high quality Natural Gas after treatment is analyzed of the H2S, BTEX and odorant level to ensure that sales gas meets emissions regulations and support and user guidelines
  4. The natural gas liquids separated from natural gas is further used as petrochemical feedstock, these NGLs are analyzed for their saybolt color, which can indicate degradation of process equipment
Measurement and Analytics

Process Analyzer

Chlorine Analyzer

Various industrial processes require continuous monitoring of chlorine compounds’ concentrations for healthy operation. The connecting concern between all these applications

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Color Analyzer

We offer an analyzer which provides extremely reliable sample color analysis; this system is an ideal colorimeter for hydrocarbon fuel

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Hydrogen Analyzer

We offer an analysis module that operates based on the principle of thermal conductivity. It is optimized for the measurement

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Moisture Analyzer

We offer a high-quality, multi-channel fiber optic hygrometer for measuring the moisture and trace humidity in gases and liquid. The

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