Skid Base System

CO2 Recovery, Extraction and Generation Accessories

From Fermentation sources or natural sparkling spring water, our solutions enable you to recover CO2 efficiently to safe, beverage-grade CO2. Our solutions come with a wide range of options from cost effective, conventional CO2 recovery plants and accessories to plants incorporating the latest technologies.

CO2 Storage Gas Balloon

Our CO2 storage Gas Balloon collects and buffers gas, minimizes start up frequency of downstream processes and ensures sufficient running time for efficient downstream operation. The Gas Balloon Volume is monitored continuously through a content level measurement. The content level measurement starts up downstream processes when CO2 storage gas balloon fills up. Similarly, downstream processes are turned down when the Gas Balloon Volume (level) drops. CO2 Gas Washer operate successfully in industries such as: Brewing, Cider and Beverage

Liquid CO2 Storage Tank

Liquid CO2 storage tank is designed to provide dry liquid CO2 storage capacity on site. It acts as a buffer when CO2 consumption is lower than liquid CO2 supply rate. Liquid CO2 storage tanks operate successfully in industries such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring and Biogas upgrading etc and is integrated to a CO2 recovery process downstream of CO2 liquefaction system.

CO2 Compressor

Our specialized CO2 Compressor is a 2-stage, dry running, V-belt driven unit specifically designed for compression of wet CO2 gas. Following are the features of CO2 compressor

  • Fully automatic unloaded start, stop and level controlled condensate removal
  • V-belt drive assembly with slide mounted motor
  • Modulating temperature control valve to maintain a constant CO2 discharge temperature

CO2 Cylinder Filling Unit

COCylinder Filling Unit  is an universal and easy to operate system which easily transfers liquid CO2 from CO2 storage tanks to accurately filled various sized cylinders. Cylinder Filling Units operate successfully where CO2  is stored and exported such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring and Biogas upgrading etc

CO2 Evaporation Heat Recovery System

Our specialized CO2 Heat Recovery System is a heat exchanger designed to automatically evaporate the liquid CO2 running from the CO2 storage tank(s). The required evaporation is provided by available hot cooling medium, which during the evaporation cools down. In this manner energy is saved which would otherwise be required by the cooling medium. CO2 Evaporation Heat Recovery System reduces energy consumption up to 60% and combine CO2 vaporization and condensing pressure control. CO2 Evaporation Heat Recovery System operate successfully where CO2  is recovered and consumed on site such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring and Biogas upgrading etc

CO2 Foam Suppression System

CO2 Foam Suppression System separates the foam from the gas and when necessary and protects the downstream CO2 recovery plant from any foam carry over during the CO2 collection from the fermenters. Our specialized system is a double acting foam protection system. The primary foam sensor activates a water spray for foam suppression, while the secondary high level foam sensor activates the “automatic foam to drain valve”. After secure foam removal, the system resets itself for normal CO2  recovery operation. Common areas of applications include Brewing, Cider, Beverage Industries and is tied  with CO2 collection line from fermenters and are mounted upstream of CO2  recovery plant.

CO2 Foam Trap

CO2 Foam Trap protects the downstream CO2  recovery plant from any foam carry over during the CO2 collection from the fermenters. Our CO2 Foam Trap is a single acting foam protection system whereby the foam sensor activates the automatic “foam to drain valve”. Similarly, the optional O2  monitor also opens the drain valve when O2 level of incoming gas is too high. When the system no longer detects foam (or high O2 level), the foam trap will automatically switch back to normal CO2 recovery operation. Common areas of applications include Brewing, Cider, Beverage Industries and is tied  with CO2 collection line from fermenters and are mounted upstream of CO2  recovery plant.

CO2 Gas Activated Carbon Filter & Drier

Our specialized CO2 Gas Activated Carbon Filter and Drier is designed to efficiently deodorize the incoming gas so that CO2 meets the highest international food grade standards. After deodorizing, moisture is extracted from the gas so that its sufficiently dry for effective downstream liquification. CO2  Gas Activated Carbon Filter and Drier is based on temperature swing adsorption process. Whilst one line is in the operation-deodorizing and drying incoming fermentation-the other line is either regenerating or in stand by mode. Prior to reaching the saturation point, the operational line is switched over to regeneration, automatically putting the second line into regeneration. Regeneration is done by increasing the vessel temperatures using purge gas to sweep the impurities and moisture out of the vessels. CO2 Gas Activated Carbon Filter & Drier operate successfully in industries such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring and Biogas upgrading etc and is tied to CO2 recovery plant upstream of CO2 liquefaction system.

CO2 Gas Washer

CO2  Gas Washer is a proven once through water wash system to remove water soluble impurities such as ethanol from the raw CO2 gas. Using special stainless steel structured packing, the counter flow design guarantees an optimal scrubbing effect with minimal water usage. An integrated hydraulic safety device protects the low pressure plant of recovery plant from over pressure. CO2 Gas Washer operate successfully in industries such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring, Recovery Plants and Biogas upgrading etc

CO2 Liquefaction Refrigeration System

Our specialized Liquefaction Refrigeration System provides sufficient condensing capacity to liquefy dry incoming CO2 gas through a CO2 condenser. During the liquefaction process, non-condensable such as N2 and O2 are separated and removed, further purifying the liquid CO2 to food grade quality. CO2 Liquefaction Refrigeration System operate successfully in industries such as: Brewing, Cider, Bioethanol, Distilling, Natural Water Well/Spring and Biogas upgrading etc and is tied to CO2 recovery plant upstream of liquid CO2 storage tanks.

Liquid CO2 Road Tanker Pump

Our specialized road tanker pump is designed to transfer liquid CO2 between the CO2  storage tanks and the road tanker truck. The pump is reversible so that liquid CO2 can be imported or exported from the site. Following are the features of liquid CO2 road tanker pump:

  • Simple, Safe and manual operation
  • Reversible Pump
  • Compact and robust pre-mounted unit
Quality Control & Measurement

Skid Base system

CO2 Recovery System

From Fermentation sources or natural sparkling spring water, our solutions enable you to recover CO2 efficiently to safe, beverage-grade CO2.

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Water De-aeration

Our Water Deaeration System is based on our long experience in area of gas/liquid stripping technology. The water deaeration system

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