Helium Shielding & Welding Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

Ensure precision high-quality welds in the most pressing environments with our helium welding and shielding blends. Available in a variety of precise formulas, there are blends to meet your GMAW, GTAW, PAW and laser welding needs.

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Medical Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

These consists of following kinds of mixtures: lung diffusion, blood gas analyzing, incubator, respiratory, anesthetic and biological cultivation. And they can be customized based on your application.

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Sterilizing Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

A CO2-based sterilant gas, sterilizing gas is a non-flammable mixture with an active ingredient of ethylene oxide.

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Environment Monitoring Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

These include air monitoring, emission and exhaust gas monitoring mixtures. They can be customized based on your application.

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Gas Detector Calibration Gas Mixture

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

These include calibration gas mixtures for toxic gas detectors, flammable gas detectors and LEL mixtures. They can be customized based on your application.
Calibration gas is a gas consisting of pure gases- components of the mixture in specified ratios. Pure industrial gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, air, methane, nitrogen oxide carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, argon and others in different ratios from 0.001 to 99% are used for production of calibration gas mixtures. Calibration gas is typically used in applications like industrial hygiene and laboratory instrument gas calibration.

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Gas Chromatography & Analyzer Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

These include both liquid and hydrocarbon-based gas mixtures used to calibrate gas chromatographs and refinery gas analyzers. They can be customized based on your application.

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Calibration Gas Mixtures

Adding accuracy and stability to the mix – we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience with gas mixtures, we ensure all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we supply.

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Miscellaneous Reference Fuels

– ASTM D-2887 Reference Gas Oil #1 – ASTM D-2 D-IV study group on boiling range distribution by gas chromatography

– Sulfur Calibration Standard – ASTM D-2622, D-4045, and D-4294 for determining sulfur content in petroleum products

– Reference Material A and D – ASTM D-471 standards for the evaluation of vulcanized rubbers response to liquid exposure

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Cetane Reference Fuels

We supply the secondary reference fuels of known high and low cetane numbers for measuring the ignition quality of diesel fuel as specified in ASTM D-613 for use in a CFR test engine. These fuels are used to obtain the interval between the start of injection and actual ignition of a sample diesel through the bracketing procedure detailed in the test method to determine its cetane number. Along with these, we also offer check fuels low and high for fit for purpose testing and checking engine conditions at one point only. Utilizing secondary reference fuels to determine cetane generally provides improved usability compared to using primary reference fuels. On average they are lower cost compared to primary reference fuels and as actual diesel fuel blends, have properties that potentially provide better ease of use and shelf-life stability.

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Octane Reference Fuels

Providing the reference fuels as per the need of individual application such as high purity primary reference fuels (PRF) required to measure the motor octane number (MON) and Research Octane Number (RON) of gasoline fuels for engine knocking meeting the specifications outlined in ASTM D-2699 and D-2700 for use in a CFR test engine to determine knock ratings

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